At The Farmington Church we are always excited to welcome new visitors. We hope you'll join us for a Sunday worship and fellowship, and we want you to know you are always welcome. Our church building is located at 145 Hawkshaw Street in Farmington KY. If you have mobility restrictions, we have easy access to all of our buildings. We have also electronic assistance for the hearing impaired, an attended nursery, toddler room and special worship service for young children ages 3 through third grade during the sermon time.
The Farmington Church is nestled in the heart of western Kentucky and we feel all who visit will be drawn closer to God and enjoy Christian fellowship. The members of Farmington Church of Christ strive to be a loving and united family of Christians dedicated to bringing glory to God by serving Christ, each other and our neighbors.
Our church family is a diverse group made up of farmers, and homemakers, school teachers and administrators, medical professionals, university professors, carpenters, custodians and just about every background you can imagine. We believe that a church meets to encourage each other and worship God in that context. Our focus is on what’s on the inside of a person so we are not a “dress up” church…but you can if you want to.
We have many different ministry programs that serve a variety of age groups; from “Kingdom Kids” for small children, youth devotionals and activities to Life Groups. And throughout the year, from Spring Sing to Fall Fling, we believe in fellowship and lots of it! If you are looking for a family of faith, you’re sure to find a place to fit in at Farmington.